Parenting for Imagination

Morgan Jones
4 min readJan 19, 2021

I want to write about how people treat each other and how put-downs and negative talk, no matter the intention, are detrimental to children. Quite frankly adults would also do better with more encouragement, embracing of our ideas, no matter how unfleshed out they may be at first. But for children, a developmentally ill timed statement about their wanting to be a country western movie star, or an astronaut, no matter how seemingly absurd the dream, is detrimental to a child’s process of becoming a complete-feeling person.

Seriously, at such young, inexperienced ages, why are adults always trying to bring children into the light of their reality to see our boring unimaginative adult existence? In fact, this is OUR INDIVIDUAL adult reality, whatever it may be for you, mine is what it is for me. Those two realities are likely very different. In any case, our reality is limited by what we could imagine for ourselves and if we take that away from children, then we take away their ability to live up to their potential.

Why put down a child’s ambitions to raise an army and start a new government simply because you know that we aren’t in that stage of hegemony as a country? Why is it important to make sure they know there is no place for a new government inside any territory in the United States? Seriously, who knows what could happen in the next twenty years. I won’t embarrass myself in front of such an ambitious youngster to admit I cannot imagine why it would be necessary because I’ve lost my ability to be creative enough to do so. (yes, this…

